The Secrets behind the CEO or Managing Director CV

It’s simple, to be considered the leading applicant for a new post you will need a great track record of success. True, to a point. Some will tell you that you have to show how you managed an organisation and increased margins while lowering overheads. You will also hear a raft of other obvious statements that includes strategic thinking, change management and financial acumen to mention just a few. What no other Professional CV Writer will tell you is that it is also about the psychology of self belief and the ability to convey how much of an asset you were but more importantly, how you are or will be (notice the obvious present & future tense) to a business.

When asking around the office this morning, what else is key, one reply was synonymous with a CEO/MD role; Achievements. When I asked for elaboration the reply became quantifiable achievements. Your CV has to have detail and it has to be as close to exact as is possible. This is understandable. We know the Zeitgeist is for due diligence to be performed on senior appointments – thus the fiery hoops have become smaller and hotter.

If you have a CV that shows progression and continued success then you are half way there but if your tendency is to orate during an interview then it is likely that you will not progress any further.

Brevity is another secret key that we can suggest you consider. Get to the answer of a question quickly, with precision and ensure the interviewer comprehends the answer. Keep the mood light and interesting and do not be afraid to discuss negative issues. When handled properly they can have a more positive effect than people realise.

The final secret for this article is: Let us take the strain.

When you use our Professional CV Services three things happen. You feel relief that you chose our service. You think harder, a lot harder, about who you are and about your career. You feel prepared to take your career to the next step.

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