There is nothing new under the sun. Honestly.

And here is the proof. Those crazy kids marched from Jarrow to London and arrived although I’m not sure how many of the original gang arrived – I didn’t notice Matt Whale anywhere but then I didn’t see any media coverage of the arrival. It must have slipped of the edge and slid under my radar.

Today’s jobless figures are the “worst on record” – roll the pantomime reply; Oh no they are not. They are the worst since we started creating a record which was ’92 but we can actually look back in time and find that in the early 80’s the figures were worse. I would say in real terms, its fair to say, a hell of a lot worse. I have a particular memory of an outside toilet, with no roof at dusk with the rain tipping down and Pink Floyd say something about we dont need no education”. No internet or social networks thus the only way to find work would have been to go city to city.

Now we can do it from the comfort of our home computer, laptop or other tech device. With mummy supplying us tea and hobnobs. Its a tough life.

To enforce this idea, the good old Beeb dug Charlotte Foster of Norfolk,  out of bed to let her tell us that nobody wants to employ her and nobody will reply to her (Yawn).

I have a solution for you Charlotte, send us your CV and let’s discover exactly why you are not finding work. You seem like a bright enough kid, what have you got to lose?

Trick is how are we going to do it? I need help. I’m going to tweet this article and facebook it but I need the help of the people using these networks to repost and retweet until Charlotte gets the message and sends us her CV.

Help us and we will help her.

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