The Professional CV for 2013, 2014, 2015 and the convergence of Linkedin

The CV, or as we like to call it, the Professional CV, is going through change and convergence. I’m going to try and map out how I think this could manifest through 2013, 2014 and 2015. If I get some time I will add an infographic but in the interim this is what I think may happen…

Linkedin: Even though the menu system is untidy, it can be difficult to navigate around, the cost for a full membership is unjustified, it still manages to add 10 member profiles every second (this will eventually slow as this level of uptake is unsustainable).
I can not see how the Linkedin domination of the online profile will be challenged during this period.

Linkedin offers connectivity, without the inane content of Facebook or twitter. There are alternate options to Linkedin but at this juncture only a radical game changer can challenge this situation and the alternatives do not. Linkedin is invaluable. If you lose someone’s business card and do not wish to ring the company the person works for; go to Linkedin. All of which becomes incidental if the person you wish to locate has not filled in a personal profile.

This gives rise to another question; Do you need to be on Linkedin?

Yes. If you want to advance your career prospects then there is no longer a reason for not using Linkedin and at it’s basic level it’s free. Over the last few years, and in conjunction with the rise in popularity of Linkedin, our recruitment technique has seen the increased use of search facilities provided by Linkedin. In a recent management campaign we found that Linkedin provided us with the majority of our candidate list. Whereas previously we would search companies to try and find the names of individuals, now, with Linkedin we achieve an increased reach and overall, a superior short list.
Anyone can contact you or if you prefer you can set contact parameters that suit your requirements. This can help filter and prevent unwanted contact. I have mentioned previously that everyone should consider using Linkedin in the same manner as you would a business card, this should now be considered the minimum requirement. As the next year passes this will increasingly become the norm. When HeadHunting, Linkedin is the simplest and most efficient way to find prospective candidates and at some stage in your career you may this to be you.

So how does this affect the future of the CV?

It’s a question of convergence and the uptake of other supplementary technologies such as Interview Rocket and tablet computing. If you are currently active on Linkedin you will have noticed the changes that have taken place since the floatation in 2011. It is increasingly pushing users for more data, splitting definitions to improve search results and increasing subscription costs for recruiters to access the information filters. You can also upload your traditional CV and this can be stored with your profile. This could be considered a rudimentary progression and to a certain point it is, but I’m betting that some of the really significant changes are just around the corner.

1. CardMunch; Launched for iPhone August 2010, eaten by Linkedin and regurgitated November 2011.
Significance: A utility that will not only backup a business card but searches its database for a person match and integrates the detail into your contact list.

2. Linkedin app: If you are familiar with the app then you will know that it has recently undergone a facelift to make it more touch friendly. This, along with CardMunch, will be seen as the start of significant changes on touch devices.

3. Adoption: The user numbers show that adoption is already significant, but the key will be how Linkedin further builds on this success:

4. Recruitment: Your data and its split definitions can be searched and referenced by recruiters, headhunters and employers. This is where the next series of developments will continue the convergence with the traditional CV. Currently, Linkedin is used for search but not used very often for interview notes or candidate reports.

What should occur next, and the developments thus far seem to indicate the right direction, is that an interviewer will be able to tick off against a list of prerequisites and/or note take against a candidate profile on Linkedin then generate a suitability report. If this procedure can be completed via a tablet computer then we start to lose the requirement for a paper CV. Between now and 2015 some of this needs to become a functioning adopted reality and convergence is completely reliant on this.

In summary, to remove the paper CV another suitable system for reference and information exchange has to take its place, or fundamentally change the way we currently operate. As mentioned, there has to be adoption first by subscribers (you) and by paid users (recruiters etc). Adoption needs a foundation in trust, and this acts as a proverbial speed bump to any social media uptake but there is always a tipping point in the public consciousness whereby you begin to feel left behind; as if you are missing out on something.

It is probable that companies such as Monster that have a database of uploaded CVs will be seeing profit erosion within this part of their business. Linkedin is directly responsible for this, why would you bother updating your CV across the multitude of CV banks when you can do it all on Linkedin?

Join Linkedin, update your profile and start using it as an accelerator for success.

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