BAE Cuts 3000 Jobs – How bad is it?

Could there be a positive outcome to a headline of BAE cuts 3000 jobs? Yes there could, possibly. If we consider the type of personnel that will be made redundant as assets then they will still have a place in the job market. It will without doubt be a terrible situation to deal with but if those affected can draw on some inner strengths then they could do very well.

Investment in jobs

This net result will depend on individual mobility and attitude. If they wait for the respective politicos, Mark Menzies, Vince Cable or Alan Davies to intervene then the situation could truly become dire. This is not to say that the politicians will not achieve an end result but its naive to think that they can prevent this or make an investment  in an industrial park (Mark Menzies) happen in a time-scale that’s of use to the people affected by the redundancy.

If, alternatively, the people affected are able to grasp change and start looking for alternative work country wide or even world wide then this could become the best career move ever. Yes, the job market is tough but for highly skilled individuals it can also be lucrative, providing they are aggressive in looking for and exploiting opportunity. Once again the CV will play its part and the CV writer has to be able to produce a resume that demonstrates the high skill levels, knowledge and achievement necessary to succeed.

As a comparison, had this been a supermarket closing its doors and unskilled staff looking for work then the situation would be compounded.

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